Filmshake - The ‘90s Movies Podcast
Welcome to Filmshake, your go-to podcast for ’90s movies. From cringe-worthy flops to epic blockbusters, we cover the best and worst films of the most bodacious decade in cinema!
Filmshake - The ‘90s Movies Podcast
Nic and Jordan's Top Five 80's Movies!
Say what? You mean Nic and Jordan don't exclusively watch 90's movies? C'mon! They're dead to me. 90's 4 life. But I guess I might as well listen to this bonus episode where they get busy each making a list of their top five 80's faves, no matter how populist or blockbustery that might shake out to be. Between all these films covered, you'd have enough blue smoke, prosthetic makeup, and K-Y jelly to choke a xenomorph! Honestly, you could do that with just one of these films, but still. Lots of atmosphere here in these parts, be it wacky or just downright dystopian. The Harrison Ford love-fest also continues strong, but which movies will be chosen? Enjoy and let us know your top five 80's films! It ain't the 90's, but it pretty dang good!
Intro music - "If" by Broke For Free
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